Rebirth - let us all be reborn and remember the miracles around us. Letting go of hatful rhetoric and see each other as the miracles we are. Starborn wonders….
I have been blessed for many years to be part of a dairy farm family. What a view! Calves, bulls coming into the world. Sighing and dying too! There is so.much that has come to me when I planned much else. It is so beautiful to watch hay be made by sunshine and sweet corn too. The earth and its creatures are generous. I was adopted by love so I could belong at last.
The miracle of birth 🙏
Rebirth - let us all be reborn and remember the miracles around us. Letting go of hatful rhetoric and see each other as the miracles we are. Starborn wonders….
You said it, Sister.
I have been blessed for many years to be part of a dairy farm family. What a view! Calves, bulls coming into the world. Sighing and dying too! There is so.much that has come to me when I planned much else. It is so beautiful to watch hay be made by sunshine and sweet corn too. The earth and its creatures are generous. I was adopted by love so I could belong at last.
Oh, you belong, Lorraine! The world perhaps knew it before you did! Bless you.
Oh, THANK YOU for this one. I love/d it!
And like Michaele & Gail before, YES! to the miracle of birth, of rebirth, and the wondrous GIFT OF LIFE! I bow in gratitude...
I join you in bowing to the miracles . . .
Hooray for Mother Nature and poets.
Not shrinking away, breathtaking, a beautiful award.