Dane Cervine
My mother wakes me at 3am, hands me a flashlight.
I put on old shoes, a jacket, follow her
to the barn where my father is already
kneeling by the white mare. Her eyes
are wild, her breath filling the cold air
with steam. But her muscled flanks
and immense torso know how to do this:
birth the impossible, life
from almost nothing. One egg,
one sperm, small as a thought,
an instinct, a desire. I had wanted
to see this, said, Wake me
no matter what. And here it is,
the new foal, impossibly folded
emerging from the mare in a blue silky sack,
as though brought here from deep under water
or an incomprehensibly distant star.
I stare like a virgin. This
a second birth, my own
vanished into bone memory.
But this horse: a kind of god.
In the dead of night,
I kneel in dirt,
watch his mother lick
the liquid sea from his fur,
nudge him to wobbly knees,
watch him stand.
(My thanks to Dane Cervine, via ’s How to Grow a Poem.)
The Gentle Nudge
TODAY (THURSDAY): Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
SIGN UP NOW for “The Heart of Who We Are,” a poetry-writing series with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer that will bookend the US election. Details here.
I have been blessed for many years to be part of a dairy farm family. What a view! Calves, bulls coming into the world. Sighing and dying too! There is so.much that has come to me when I planned much else. It is so beautiful to watch hay be made by sunshine and sweet corn too. The earth and its creatures are generous. I was adopted by love so I could belong at last.
Rebirth - let us all be reborn and remember the miracles around us. Letting go of hatful rhetoric and see each other as the miracles we are. Starborn wonders….