A skein of yarn gets my Joy meter running like a quarter turns on a parking meter. It gets me to working my creative magic and before I know it, I have run out of time! So I return to that same meter each day and make my deposit, until the skeins become a finished product. 😊

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I love how you use the "deposit" into the parking meter analogy. ❤️

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I have to tell you this, whoever you are, that Michael, my one and only child, gave up his own life twelve years ago.

I have to tell you this, who ever you are, so I can assure myself he did live while the world goes on unable to remember. I have to tell you this, whoever you are, so in the telling I can go on living through this day.

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Bless you, Lorraine. I know it must have been a powerful act to write these words.

And here's a further nudge, if you wish to follow it: Pick another phrase from what you've just written and let it be the starting point to go deeper . . . Keep following the process.

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