The Saturday Spark
Tell us: What work do you do that is—for you—most satisfying?
Catch up! (event replays)
Next week on The Raft . . .
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12-1PM Central). A casual weekly gathering for poetry-sharing, celebration, and discussion. Hop on the Zoom at this link. Bring a poem you like to read to the group. Or, just come to listen to poems offered by other Rafters and to participate as you’re comfortable in our informal but wholehearted conversation. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in this newsletter!
Grateful, grateful!
The Raft is my gift to you. I’m so glad you’re here!
If you appreciate my offerings, please consider supporting my work by becoming a patron (paid subscriber).
My heartfelt thanks to these Rafters who made recent contributions to the life of The Raft: Amy Adams, Deedee Buettner, Reece Burka, Teri Cornell, Joanne Draper, Wayne Goeken, Carroll Jones, Maureen Kane, Diana Leslie, Lisa Lindsay, Susan Parsley, Doreen Rigley, Julie Rinard, Paul Rudiger, Jari Thymian, Sara Tyburski, Gerald Underdal, Caroline Walles, Shelly Wemhoener, Bruce Williamson, boistree, and ynorfleet.
Feeling “inbox overwhelm”? Try the Rafter Digest!
ONE email, sent every Saturday, containing links to every major post from that week. Use this button to turn on your subscription (or to change other newsletter preferences). Problems? Email me and I’ll try to answer your questions!
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Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self. See you in two weeks!
Love all & do no harm ❤️🙏
As cliche and silly as it sounds, my ultimate work on this earth is to become a better person. The first half of my life was spent in worldly endeavors which is pretty standard for us humans. In the second half I have paid more attention to understanding who I am and what I need to change. This leads to becoming closer to a higher source. A big part of this is being creative with music and art. May we all be who we are meant to be!