25 Rafters willing to bless my novel with an Amazon review on its birth date (September 4)
Be a book-blesser! Read The Singing Stick! For free!
If you’re one of the first 25 Rafters who steps forward to bless The Singing Stick, I’ll send you a download link for a free digital copy that you can read on your preferred device.
If you want to participate in this little “book blessing party,” use the button below or email me ASAP (phyllis@phylliscoledai.com).
Be one of the 25!
Sorry, I can’t distribute the paperback for free. But if you pre-order a paperback, you could base your review on that, so long as you’re a lightning-fast reader. Pre-orders will be shipped in early to mid-August.
As a book-blesser, you’ll promise to . . .
Read the novel before September 4, the book’s birth date.
Write a quick sentence or two of honest feedback while the book’s still fresh in your mind. (Doesn’t have to be fancy! Just spend a minute or two drafting it.)
Leading up to September 4, watch for my message with the link to the book’s page on Amazon where you’ll post your brief review.
On September 4 (or thereabouts), post your review on Amazon. (If you also post your review at GoodReads, Barnes & Noble, or even your own social media, you’ll earn angel wings from the Muses.)
Why Amazon?
Two strange little secrets about today’s publishing scene:
Authors can’t reach readers very well without Amazon.
Amazon customer reviews raise a book’s visibility and potential readership. What matters most isn’t the content of such reviews but their total number. (Strange, I know.)
If I'm not too late, I'd be happy to be one of your book blessers. ❤️
I will read my physical copy quickly when it arrives and would be glad to then.