May 25Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai

Prayers rising as you move through these many transitions!

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Thank you, Marie. I’m grateful to you.

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May 25Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai

I love the picture with the typewriter in the field. It's so difficult now to plunk one's butt in the middle of nowhere and write without a hotspot, laptop, blah, blah, blah. We're prisoners to technology. Even our phones have to be plugged in. And I have a DESKTOP. How would I take that anywhere?

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HA! May you be blessed with lots of pencils and paper . . .

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Jun 14Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai


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May 25Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai

Peace, Phyllis…..

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Thank you, Jan. Peace is hard work at present. (Or maybe always.)

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Jun 14Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai

Indeed, but that has never stopped you and I don’t imagine it will in the future. Although, I’m just reminded you have some physical issues going on that certainly complicate your work. First things first. Pease take care because only you can bring to your work that special Phyllis spark.

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Bless you.

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May 25Liked by Phyllis Cole-Dai

Phyllis, I wish and yours all the best. They peace , love and joy travel with you.❤️

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Thank you so much, Aria. Bless you.

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