"Let's not muddy the water. Instead, let's float free."

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I am noticing how I receive the music each day…and each day is different.

I try to find the message of PEACE in them.

Today’s piano and visual treats were especially delightful.


“A young woman stood on its bank—

the water doubled her beauty.

Let’s not muddy the water.”

This struck me quite visually.

Then I got stuck…

The poet’s choice of the word width rather than depth.

“…the moonlight there illuminates

the width of their words.”

I’ve never heard this as an expression before

and my mind doesn’t wrap around the concept.

If he had said depth, I would have applauded.

Any thoughts?

Then, of course, I pondered the value of mud…oh well…

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You're a great "playmate" with your curiosity and explorations, even getting into "mud"! As for "the width of their words"—this is the wording of the translator. I'm wondering how the original read. But let's play with "width". What might it suggest? For me, I have a sense of expanse and spaciousness, room between . . . Does this nudge?

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Yes! Upon further thought then…

Maybe since surely God’s foot is on their threshing floor

and this village’s streets are filled with music,

there is also an abundance of words…

Perhaps they are a people of privilege that understand the

responsibility that goes with it…

How novel and exciting!

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Part of the beauty of poetry—keep playing with it, and it keeps yielding . . . Thank you!

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Let's not muddy the water. Let us see it, respect it, apprecite it for what it really is...life everlasting.

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We are the stewards of the stream!

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