I have been reading/listening to/thinking about the daily "Waging Peace" offerings and realized I want to be saying or doing something in response. For the most part, it has only been contemplation for a few moments each day, usually in the morning. I have noticed that, although the instructions say not to "like or not like" the music, it has always been good, hitting my heart just right. Music like today's selection takes me somewhere else. It allows me to think of others, to think of the candles in the dark who can imagine a world without all the strife and pain we see now and have seen or read about in the course of our lives. It helps feed my own hope when I know there are so many others out there who have the same hopes and feel compassion for those who are torn from homes and live in chaos and fear. As a candle in the dark, I would wish my light would combine with all the other candles and create a light so bright all the ugliness would be burned away.
Don't undervalue contemplation. But in you're recognizing the nudge to respond, you're honoring it. By honoring it, you feed it, and the flame grows . . .
The simplicity of considering others is so profound, so real, and not apparent unless highlighted by another who becomes a guide. What a beautiful gift to receive. If only I could remember just a tiny portion of so many gifts. O how I long to be fire, a candle in the dark.
Because I am a candle in the dark, I pray that my little light will be flicker of hope to others; will connect others to the light within.
Your light is more than a flicker, dear heart.
I have been reading/listening to/thinking about the daily "Waging Peace" offerings and realized I want to be saying or doing something in response. For the most part, it has only been contemplation for a few moments each day, usually in the morning. I have noticed that, although the instructions say not to "like or not like" the music, it has always been good, hitting my heart just right. Music like today's selection takes me somewhere else. It allows me to think of others, to think of the candles in the dark who can imagine a world without all the strife and pain we see now and have seen or read about in the course of our lives. It helps feed my own hope when I know there are so many others out there who have the same hopes and feel compassion for those who are torn from homes and live in chaos and fear. As a candle in the dark, I would wish my light would combine with all the other candles and create a light so bright all the ugliness would be burned away.
Don't undervalue contemplation. But in you're recognizing the nudge to respond, you're honoring it. By honoring it, you feed it, and the flame grows . . .
May it be so
When I burn a candle,
something happens…
Paraffin’s hydrogen and carbon
combines with oxygen!
This creates not only the
energies of heat and light, but
it releases carbon dioxide and water vapor.
It’s chemistry.
When I think of others,
something happens…
Mutual Flourishing
Divine Exchange
It’s alchemy.
Chemistry . . . alchemy . . . divine exchange . . .!
Because I am a candle in the dark, I carry light and hope for others.
Beautiful pairing of the Shalom song and the poem by a Palestinian. We are all ONE.
And, oh, how you shine!
The simplicity of considering others is so profound, so real, and not apparent unless highlighted by another who becomes a guide. What a beautiful gift to receive. If only I could remember just a tiny portion of so many gifts. O how I long to be fire, a candle in the dark.
You ARE fire, Lorraine. I see your burning.