The Daily Boost (published weekdays) is one of the newsletters of The Raft, the online community of author Phyllis Cole-Dai. We Rafters ride the river of life buoyed by music, poetry, and other arts, along with open spiritual practice. Most everything here is free, but patrons (paid subscribers) get some special perks as a gesture of gratitude.
Pretend this excerpt of “Many Angels” is the entire performance, set to heavenly music by Gustav Mahler.
As the dance description teases, “It is not really about angels. (Well, maybe a little.)”
(My thanks to choreographer Lar Lubovitch, composer Mahler, and the amazing Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.)
“See High Above” by Malena Mörling
The Gentle Nudge
LAY A BLESSING STONE: Here. Or learn about our blessing-stone practice at this link.
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
Mahler is one of my go-to's when I need some solace. Achingly beautiful! As always thank you Phyllis 🖤
You gotta believe in human goodness.