Simple, yet makes so much sense. I wonder, if we lay good words β€˜on’ our minds instead of in them will our minds become more open? πŸ€”

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Nice . . .

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I love this! When the heart cracks wide open, πŸ’” love flows in and out, like a breath of fresh air! I've been there. Thanks Phyllis! ❀️

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Sharing our vulnerability opens our hearts wider….open-hearted sharing ripples out & invites others to do same ❀️

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Oh I love this idea! Beautiful!

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Our hearts need to break in order to hear truth and wisdom sometimes. Westerners especially seem to hold on to the idea that we each have all the answers and we can pull ourselves up by the bootstraps...God forbid we REALLY look to a higher power or be vulnerable! Break and grow!!

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Life breaks or fractures everybody, repeatedly, in different ways. We can mend. Kintsugi!

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It takes trust to do this. Really beautiful. I think of a childhood Sabbath prayer, "....and these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy hearts....thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, with all thy heart, with all they soul and with all thy might...."That was a long childhood ago, but I can hear my mom and myself repeating it. Now, I believe I understand.

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Trust is a powerful elixir, yes?

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A closed heart is so in need. I wish it did not need to wait, but alas, the Rebbe s right and there is a happy heart! DP

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