Thanks, Phyllis. Makes sweet melody in my heart with William Stafford’s poem The Way It Is. Such a wonder, words.

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Beautiful pairing! Poetry and music together=wonder magnified!

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Thanks again for another great song this week, Phyllis. Have loved Bruce Cockburn’s music for decades!

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He's a relative newcomer to my music world. Happy to share one of his selections!

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We are interconnected threads upon the loom of life….all part of the weave/web 🕸

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What helps you to remember this?

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It seems indelibly inscribed in my being at this stage of my life. I credit my 12 years of being a member of the KINDSPRING community in large part ❤️

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Today’s Daily Good actually fits today’s Raft, in a way, I feel. About inter-connectedness.

Here is a excerpt from a link in today’s Daily Good & a quote as well:

“I found what you just offered to be a fantastic prompt for softening the illusory borders we often place around the self, and opening the mind to the ways we are porous and entangled with the living world. And mycelial webs teach us this too: that no self is bounded; that every organism,”

“When you start to step out of the human-flavored reality and explore these other spectrums, you realize that everything is kind of existing in relationship to everything else in its own sensory kind of dialogue.” - Barney Steel -

Mycelial Landscapes – A Conversation with Merlin Sheldrake and Barney Steel


(You can subscribe to the Daily Good via servicespace.org)

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Thank you, Phyllis. Haven’t listened to Bruce for a long time. I’m 66 and he was a bright light starting in my early teens. Been to more concerts than I can count. Maybe it’s time for another.

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It's ALWAYS time for another concert! Follow the nudge!

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