Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do not do unto others as you would have them not do unto you.
In some form, scholars say, the principle can be found in almost every ethical tradition.
But it’s up to us to live it.
(My thanks to composers Ervin Drake and Jimmy Shirl and to The Westerlies for their performed rendition.)
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters next week for . . .
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
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This meshes so beautifully with today's post from the Center for Action and Contemplation:
All things draw from the same wellspring of spiritual energy. This means that the sermonic and religious can be mediated through a saxophone just as effectively as through a pastor…. How can this be?... [Can] tapping feet and blues guitar strokes … evoke the contemplative moment and call the listener to a deeper understanding of inner and outer realities?... The need to create impermeable boundaries between the sacred and the secular is … a much more recent appropriation of western values….
Thank you!
At the very least, DO NO HARM 🙏