Leave your mark
Beautifully said! 👍❤️
Love this esp. : “To look at the world with love, not strife
Say hello to a stranger, it goes real far
To soften hearts when they're so hard” ❤️
I like that part too!
More innthe "striving" not thriving phase, but hoping that I get there soon.
May it be so! (Whistle while you thrive?!)
I like that image!
Beautifully said! 👍❤️
Love this esp. : “To look at the world with love, not strife
Say hello to a stranger, it goes real far
To soften hearts when they're so hard” ❤️
I like that part too!
More innthe "striving" not thriving phase, but hoping that I get there soon.
May it be so! (Whistle while you thrive?!)
I like that image!