YES, I taught refugees for many years, I still think of those students everyday! Such grateful, joyous and BRAVE souls! Canada offered there families huge assistance as a country should...



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Thank you for your teaching all those years, Joanne!

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There but for the Grace go you & I

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So short. Such import.

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Yes, and Yes, and Yes....

Open my heart...

Open all of our hearts...

And may it be so!


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May it be so!

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What a powerful few words is this new-to-me Emily D!

And what a beautiful word is “befriend”.

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In befriending others, we befriend ourselves, and vice versa. 💚

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Hi Phyllis, Everyday teaching these amazing people was fun and so enjoyable.... I taught some classes at Bow Valley College where I had to start with the basics (il)literacy esp South Sudanese folks that had a civil war for over forty years!! Strong and resilient women!! (not to say some did not have trauma) It certainly put my puny issues/concerns in perspective. joanne

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That's one gift that others give us—putting us in perspective.

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YES Although I had to refrain from angerat the priviledged sort in family and some friends that would or could not? understand how fortunate they were to be born in a peaceful country! .... with more than enough to meet their material needs... the clincher is material is only one sort of abundance! A few weeks ago via ZOOM i was asked to speak to the upgrading grads (I had had many of these students when they were at a low intermediate level) I chose to read our dear Rosemerry's poem SACRED GROUND WOW they profoundly recognized the theme ! I myself was teary eyed but honest tears of love!! They all wanted copies which I could easily send to the Dean.... wonderful administrator and former teacher! She always used to say the students know your heart as I Could be a toughand pushy teacher. HA HUGS to all new North Americans & you j

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