Everything I missed before....

How true

Love you more now than ever before.

Appreciate you more now than ever before.

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I was blessed with an earth angel Mom….tears of loving remembering….always in my heart.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you xoxo

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You're following in your Mom's wings!

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Thanks for this blog - I love it. Sending a poem I wrote several years ago that echoes today’s post:;


I know you are legion –

you women who gave birth

and were adored for some brief time.

Yet who for years, watched this day go by

without flowers

no tender memories or words of love,

no special lunches

or surprise visits.

Each year an accusation,

an indictment.

But don’t get lost in that labyrinth of sadness.

You were mothered – by wise women

who took you and loved you,

even in your rawness.

And you were mother – to sons and daughters

who came to drink of your experience,

your unspent affection,

the well that bubbled in you;

who needed you to be the mothers they never had

or the mothers who fell short

or the mothers who never understood them.

Rejoice, o my soul, for the gift of motherly love---

Given and received

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Thank you, Sandy! It does indeed resonate! I rejoice with you!

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A beautiful way to start my day and kick off this Mother's Day Weekend! Grateful to you Phyllis!

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Deep joy to you and yours on this Mother's Day weekend.

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Wishing you NOTHING BUT THE BEST weekend!

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