Very beautiful!

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What words "shimmered" most for you?

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It has been my experience that holding a “kindness focus” eventually “transforms” your brain, shall I say. It becomes an automatic response, not requiring ‘deciding’ to be kind…you just ARE kind & it carries over to every person you come in contact with & colors your life 🌈❤️🌈

Finding & becoming a member of the KindSpring community (kindspring .org) back in 2012 changed my life. Grateful 🙏

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In my experience, the kindest people don't realize when they're being kind.

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I try to be kind as it seems to really be my nature and I agree, it truly transforms your brain. I find that my kindness is often met with suspicion or incredulity, which makes me sad- but no less determined to win the world over. I have seen just everyday kindness transform the people I meet in my daily life regularly. It just makes my day when I can see that happening!

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That's the kindness "superpower"!

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Good Morning, Phyllis. In Qigong, we call this Neutral Compassion. When we lead with our Heart Center, whatever we encounter, if we approach it with Neutral Compassion, we can see and feel that what is required is a stable lead energy that is filled with a sense of love and kindness. While it may not require action one way or the other, we still perceive the situation as a part of us, and that tendril of love extends out to reconnect us/them in a loving and kind way. I am always encouraged when I see "Neutral Compassion" redefined in other areas of life, other cultures, with other people. "All we need is love." Have a wonderful, creative day, my friend.

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Well, hiya, Diana! Good to see this from you and learn about "Neutral Compassion." (I remember our once discussing the possibility of your leading a Raft event that would involve Qigong. Let me know if you'd like to engage further around that.) Have a beautiful day.

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I’d would absolutely love to share qigong with this creative community. I suspect many of us already practice it, seeing how creatively abundant we are. I look forward to furthering this idea.

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Wonderful! Would you please email me at phyllis@phylliscoledai.com? 😊

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Thank you Phyllis. This is a great awareness How can I be authentically kind when I am judgmental, selfish, and downright cruel. I can't!

I facilitate a mindfulness group for the last 10 years. And we have come across the topic of kindness many times. It is a practice. It is something that I have to be aware of all the time. It is something I need to practice, all the time. Because, when I am kind to someone the benefits are tenfold.

How hard is it, to go out of your way to help someone, be there for someone, or comfort someone? When someone is kind to me, it makes me feel grateful. So practicing these blessings of grace is a great way to stay humble, compassionate, nice AND kind. Life is a practice, so I must get with it.

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Oh, Daniel, you are "getting with it" in a big way, I suspect! But please remember to be kind to yourself. First. 💚

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