I have been invited to give a Devotion at a P.E.O. convention next year. I definitely need to take a deep dive to create my intention, wording and presence. Is this Deep Dive appropriate for this type of individual project or perhaps I should see if I could schedule time with you on an individual basis.
This is so you! You're bringing such intentionality to this task to which you've been invited. But I'm not sure if I can satisfactorily answer your question. Whether this Dive is "appropriate" to your needs probably depends on your own shaping of it. You are its co-creator. While I provide daily materials (music, poetry, questions for reflection, etc.), I also invite participants to set their own intention for the Dive (overall and each session). So perhaps you would find this Dive a helpful resource/practice as you "create your intention, wording , and presence" for the devotion-planning. Perhaps not. I can't say. If you feel nudged to try it, follow the nudge. Or, if you feel nudged toward some creative companioning, follow the nudge. Or, if you feel nudged in some other direction, follow that nudge. Whatever you decide, I'm here to support you!
I love your prayer poem, and I cherish getting to hear your voice in the world. Grateful for the wonder of technology which makes that possible. Saying a simple prayer of thanks all around, this Sunday morning.
Amazing how your short poem/prayer can conjure up an image and sweet sensation. I imagine you noticing the light as you lingered over the note’s vibration.
I have been invited to give a Devotion at a P.E.O. convention next year. I definitely need to take a deep dive to create my intention, wording and presence. Is this Deep Dive appropriate for this type of individual project or perhaps I should see if I could schedule time with you on an individual basis.
This is so you! You're bringing such intentionality to this task to which you've been invited. But I'm not sure if I can satisfactorily answer your question. Whether this Dive is "appropriate" to your needs probably depends on your own shaping of it. You are its co-creator. While I provide daily materials (music, poetry, questions for reflection, etc.), I also invite participants to set their own intention for the Dive (overall and each session). So perhaps you would find this Dive a helpful resource/practice as you "create your intention, wording , and presence" for the devotion-planning. Perhaps not. I can't say. If you feel nudged to try it, follow the nudge. Or, if you feel nudged toward some creative companioning, follow the nudge. Or, if you feel nudged in some other direction, follow that nudge. Whatever you decide, I'm here to support you!
Thanks for your feedback, Phyllis. I am interested in participating in the Deep Dive.
I'm so glad you'll be giving it a try! May it take the shape of what you most need.
short but oh sooo sweet, thank you
I'm glad it spoke to you, Linda. 🙏
While the striking of the key is necessary for the sound
It’s what’s left afterwards we find our true beauty.
I loved this ..
And prayer
Initially I wanted to use "hammering" instead of "sounding" for the "striking of the key," but decided it was too forceful . . .
I love your prayer poem, and I cherish getting to hear your voice in the world. Grateful for the wonder of technology which makes that possible. Saying a simple prayer of thanks all around, this Sunday morning.
Deep bows to you, Emily, on this Monday morning.
Amazing how your short poem/prayer can conjure up an image and sweet sensation. I imagine you noticing the light as you lingered over the note’s vibration.
Actually this poem is not based on a real experience but a line that came to me in the night.
Better yet.
Oh I love this...so very much!
I'm glad, Katharina.
Deep! Thanks Phyllis
Don't give up. You believe in your purpose!