Hi Phyllis…I spelled it wrong…it should read “kibitzing” (not kibiting) …..growing up I understood it to mean “friendly banter”………, but I am finding much different meanings when I just googled it. Anyhow, my meaning in response to your post was friendly banter :))
I love this. Good attitudes can change everything.
Amazing what a little bit of friendly kibiting can do to transform someone :))
Help me out—what is "kibiting"? That's a word with which I'm not familiar.
Hi Phyllis…I spelled it wrong…it should read “kibitzing” (not kibiting) …..growing up I understood it to mean “friendly banter”………, but I am finding much different meanings when I just googled it. Anyhow, my meaning in response to your post was friendly banter :))
Ah! Thank you!
Wonderful story. It takes so little, doesn't it, to make people feel better if not good.
Happy endings are always good!😊