I chose not to view the horror. It would have stayed in my mind’s eye & haunted me. I’m already stressed from the ongoing madness in our world. 🙏

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We all do what we must, that we may continue to move forward with compassion. Even when we choose "not to view," we can bear witness. Bless you, Mish.

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Thank you for this… it will be read again. Very thoughtfully written ❤️

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You're welcome, Barbara. The contemplation is ongoing.

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Thank you for this thoughtful column, Phyllis. Such a difficult topic to write about - It is indeed a paradox and an example of how white supremacy has saturated even people of color - how do we hold the fact that some of these police officers were themselves fathers? how do they return home after an incident like this? What is required - the training - to be an officer of the law? Is stripping them of their humanity the only way to go so that they are able to kill? Or are we looking at the trauma that all officers carry and have to manage in a job that is impossible to do as we have defined it. I hope we can establish mental health support for folks who are trying to maintain the law on our streets and perhaps find new strategies for doing so as we reconsider ways "police" our society.

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Thank you for your response, Claire! I share your deep hope that we as a culture might seriously reconsider and establishing new ways of "policing."

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Sometimes, it hard to get through the "sensationilism" of this kind of event. The countdown to the "release" of the video was particularly onerous. That said, we all need to decide for ourselves what the best way is to accept the inevitability of paradox and honor victims and ongoing tragedies in our own ways. What triggers one person can inspire another to do better, to do more, to be more sensitive. We just cannot let our collective discomfort lead to fear or apathy.

Makes me think of during Covid and PBS did a weekly honoring of 5 people lost to the pandemic. Maybe it is because I am a nurse, but I found the intense sadness and tender submissions by family members important to witness.

Thanks Phyllis for giving witness in this way.

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I appreciate these words, especially, in your response, Diane: "What triggers one person can inspire another to do better, to do more, to be more sensitive. We just cannot let our collective discomfort lead to fear or apathy."

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Outstanding, Phyllis!

We are one - not separate - which is why we can even ask the questions, especially here.

And, yes, it is only with the heart that we will be able to live these questions into answers.

Thank you. 🙏

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Living the questions with you, Nancy!

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Amen, Paradox Lady.

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Thank you for your thoughtful insights on this topic, we all own this.

What can any of us do?

Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself inside... you'll quickly realize you treat others the way you treat yourself. We all deserve our own love. Be gentle with yourself. Pay attention. Choose love.

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I choose love with you, Sue.

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Phyllis, a very thoughtfully written piece. It's important to see the humanity in the midst of outright brutality. I watched one video. Heartbreaking. Beyond words. Many paradoxes between power and powerlessness. We live in absurd times. Thank you for the compasson and humanity in your words.

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You're welcome, Annette. I believe living in the paradoxes humanize us and potentially make life less absurd.

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"living in the paradoxes...." gives us permission to feel and cope at the same time.

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Well said: feeling and coping at the same time!

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Beautifully written, Phyllis. I could only watch for about 30 seconds; then I opted not to watch the rest. You have a wonderful way with words that inspire, provoke & nudge us on to greater awareness and action, as well as thoughtfulness. Thank you & bless your beautiful gentle heart.

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Thank you for your blessing, Kathryn. And you all "inspire, provoke & nudge" me! The Raft is a joy. Bless you!

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Your inspired, thoughtful, gentle and challenging words moved me deeply. As a an amateur nature photographer myself it breaks my heart that this young, soulful appreciator of beauty and life was taken in such a brutal, nonsensical manner. I cannot watch videos like this. I did not watch George Floyd’s either (I live close to where he was murdered) but I did read the transcript and that was shattering enough.

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I appreciate your response, Jeanette, especially as it comes from your heart as a photographer. You see things through a lens, as did Tyre. (And, metaphorically, as do we all.)

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