Full of brilliant today 👍

I am drawn to May Sarton’s writings. One of my favorite books about her is “May Sarton: A Biography “ by Margot Peters.

Your cento inspired me to post this over at the KINDSPRING website this morning:

Excerpted from a “cento” by Phyllis Cole-Dai...

WHAT IS GIVEN —a cento after May Sarton*

(* All lines from May Sarton’s Journal of a Solitude):

💫 “Look long enough, with absolute attention, at a flower, a stone, the bark of a tree, a cloud—they are presences. Something like revelation takes place. Something is given. Each holds the whole mystery….”

🐿 Something I saw yesterday …the presence of a fluffy squirrel scampering along our fence with a big piece of bread held in its mouth, held me momentarily spellbound…the image has stayed with me. It was my ‘small joy’ 🙏 When I read the above cento, I smiled & thought, oh yes :)

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Oh yes, oh yes. (And thanks for posting the excerpt at Kindspring!) May another "small joy" surprise you today.

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Beautiful cento, Phyllis. So many lines and phrases that resonate. I heard May Sarton give a reading when I was in college and loved her writing. It's wonderful to read Sarton's words that "shimmered" for you and that you've crafted into a wholly new poem. I'm inspired to pull a book off the shelf and create a cento too!

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Love it! If you create one, I'd love if you share it!

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Will share cento when fully cooked!

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