Here’s everything that happened on The Raft this week! Asterisked content (*) is fully accessible only to patrons (paying subscribers). Care to support The Raft by upgrading your membership? At $5/month, it costs less than a small bouquet of flowers!
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This Week’s Staying Power
#155: “What One Cloud Said to Another”
This Week’s Daily Boosts
#611: Heaven help us
#612: The kaleidoscope heart!
#613: Don't underestimate Fox and Mouse
#614: There IS such a thing as a free breakfast
#615: Rise and look around you
This Week’s Events & News
This Week’s Event Replays
This Week’s Special Announcements
☀️ * Living from Our Yes": A Conversation about Gratitude, Creativity, & Community. A special celebration with Carrie Newcomer for all supporting subscribers on December 3. Details here.
☀️ Bonus for Rafter women! I’m delighted to be a presenter for EmpowHER, a virtual summit (December 5-7) that will help you transform your approach to health and wellness. Organized by Rafter Myrtle Russell. Free for a limited time. When you register, you’ll get access to a variety of sessions, including mine on “The Power of Poetry to Help Us Thrive.”
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See you next week!
🧡 Thanks for reading! As part of The Raft, this newsletter is kept afloat by beautiful readers like you. If you like my work, please support it by sharing it with a friend, becoming a Raft patron, buying my books, or inviting me to speak. And remember to add your 2¢ by leaving comments!