Here’s everything that happened on The Raft this week! Just so you know, content that is asterisked (*) is fully accessible only to paying subscribers. Care to support The Raft by upgrading your membership?
This Week’s Staying Power
#132: “In Praise of Loving Pranks”
This Week’s Daily Boosts
#441: Love is the way
#442: The time is now
#443: Caretake this moment
#444: The beginning’s in the box
#445: Gotta keep the fire burning!
This Week’s Events & News
This Week’s Event Replays
This Week’s Special Announcements
Last chance to join our 30-Day “Gateway Quest” (starts Monday)
Special Zoom event: “Connecting with the Creative Through Qigong” on April 17 (Diana Casabar)
We have a new fiction writing group!
Getting just what you want from the Raft?
Remember, you can change your subscription preferences by using the button below, or by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any Raft email.
Confused by the date on (Easter) is the 9th, but this is dated the 15th?????