The Saturday Spark
Tell us: How often do you read poetry and listen to music?
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Maybe you love what The Raft has to offer, but all those emails … not so much.
I hear you! That’s why I’ve created Rafter Digest: ONE email, sent every Saturday, containing links to every major post from that week.
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Still holiday shopping? Visit my store for books, music, and stocking stuffers! (Don’t miss the “Free Gifts”!)
This week’s Raft video replays
Next week on The Raft . . .
Creatives’ Coffee (Zoom, Wednesday, 4:00-5:30PM Central). A casual conversation group for Rafters who like to “make stuff,” whether for fun or as a profession. Need companionship and support? Creative inspiration? Cross-fertilization of ideas? You’ll find oodles of all this and more at the Coffee.
Hop on the Zoom at this link. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in this newsletter.
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12-1PM Central). A casual weekly gathering for poetry-sharing and discussion. Hop on the Zoom at this link.
Bring a published poem that has recently struck you to read to the group. Or, just come to listen to poems offered by other Rafters and to participate in informal but wholehearted conversation. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in this newsletter.
My serial audio reading of Staying Power 2: Writings from a Year of Emergence continues each Friday for all paying subscribers. Upgrade to get this and other modest perks, plus the joy of helping to keep most content on The Raft free for everybody! Note: If you’re a past donor to my work, email me and I’ll set you up with a complimentary one-year subscription!
From beyond the Raft
My poet-friend Kimberly Blaeser has invited us (whether “poets” or not) to participate in the writing of a community poem sponsored by Poets for Science, Wick Poetry, and the American Geophysical Union. Learn more about this exciting project here!
Grateful, grateful!
My heartfelt thanks to these folks for their recent gifts in support of The Raft: Diane Stonecipher, Jari Thymian, Marianne Murphy Zarzana, and pamela41.
Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self.
Once a week? For Charles to say that, one would assume he did not even do it once a week?
You worked to hard Mr Darwin.
Once a day seems sparse.
I am happiest when I let music free me from my cares and worries.
We certainly are. I can understand not listening to music in that era, but poetry?