Since the Friday before Easter, I have been watching a mother cardinal in the nest she built several weeks ago. I was hoping she had not abandoned it, as they sometimes do. Each day I woke up hoping that she was still sitting, which meant likely she had laid her brood. Still hopeful, today I watched the male cardinal whoosh past my kitchen window to the nest and lo and behold, she was gone and he was dropping something in to tiny mouths. If life works like it should, they will do this dance for the next 8+ days. I am holding hope that then I will watch these wonderful creatures fledge.
Always hold the hope for peace in our world & in myself 🕊
That I can be happier than I am now.
I hold this hope with you, Shelly.
Since the Friday before Easter, I have been watching a mother cardinal in the nest she built several weeks ago. I was hoping she had not abandoned it, as they sometimes do. Each day I woke up hoping that she was still sitting, which meant likely she had laid her brood. Still hopeful, today I watched the male cardinal whoosh past my kitchen window to the nest and lo and behold, she was gone and he was dropping something in to tiny mouths. If life works like it should, they will do this dance for the next 8+ days. I am holding hope that then I will watch these wonderful creatures fledge.
Thank you for this snapshot of hope from your kitchen window. You taught me about cardinals, and about hope!