Events & News (04/01/23)
I almost played a prank on you, but decided to dance instead
The Saturday Spark
Happy April Fool’s Day! Tell us: What’s one of the best pranks you’ve ever played (or had played on you)?
Reminder: The bird is back! Pre-order by April 14!
I’m giving all Rafters the opportunity to pre-order Poetry of Presence II: More Mindfulness Poems with free shipping (any quantity). This offer is only available at the book website and through the publisher through April 15, 2023. See all the details here, or pre-order with the button.
Starting soon! Sign up for the 30-Day Gateway Quest?
This quest is for rafters who feel blocked, stuck, not very creative in general, or in need of a little focus, accountability, or encouragement. This quest will help you “widen the gateway” of your creativity. Read all about it here!
Not a Quester? You may still attend our “Grand Opening” of the gate at 6:00PM Central on May 9! Register for this free Zoom event using the button.
Feeling “inbox overwhelm”? Try the Rafter Digest!
ONE email, sent every Saturday, containing links to every major post from that week. Use this button to turn on your subscription (or to change other newsletter preferences). Problems? Email me and I’ll help!
In case you missed it . . .
Next week on The Raft . . .
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12-1PM Central). A casual weekly gathering for poetry-sharing, celebration, and discussion. Hop on the Zoom at this link. Bring a poem you like to read to the group. Or, just come to listen to poems offered by other Rafters and to participate in informal but wholehearted conversation. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in this newsletter!
Grateful, grateful!
My heartfelt thanks to these folks for their recent gifts in support of The Raft: Amy Adams, Gloria Heffernan, MaryEllen McMurtrie, Susan Otter, Julie Roehm, Peter Thambidurai, Jari Thymian, Allie Turnock, Linda Wilson, sierra42.
Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self.
Hmmmm…right now nothing comes to mind for me, so here’s some funny quotes I found online just now :))
April 1st: Keep calm and giggle on!
April Fools' Day: 24 hours of pure silliness, just what the world needs!
April Fools' Day... Believe nothing you hear!
On April Fools' Day, choose your jests carefully so that you still have friends come April 2nd.
April Fools' Day is made for fun and play. Keep it good-natured, or your bags will be packed, and you'll be out on your way.
HAPPY APRIL EVERYONE ….May it be a kind-full month for all.