Tonight at Rafter Refuge, Deep Divers met Judyth Hill, the poet who penned (or, as she put it, “was ambushed by”) the poem “Wage Peace.” That poem, written on the day of the 9/11 attacks, was the initial selection in January’s “Waging Peace” Dive.
Time-sensitive special invitation: Deep Divers at this event wrote in response to the following prompts, each of which is a phrase excerpted from Judyth’s poem.
Breathe in ______________________________ (i.e., some suffering in the world that you’re concerned about)
Breath out ______________________________ (i.e., something that might transform suffering, or a form of peace)
Remember your tools: ___________________________ (i.e., your personal tools for waging peace)
Participant responses will be woven with Judyth’s text to create a community poem, to be posted in this Sunday’s edition of Staying Power.
If you’d like to participate in this community poem, please email me your responses to these prompts by midnight on Friday night.
Thanks to everyone who attended tonight and gave Judyth such a warm welcome. If you weren’t with us, please enjoy the replay!
Other big announcements!
So long as you maintain your paid subscriber status, you’ll continue to have access to all Deep Dive materials. If you didn’t save the “Waging Peace” series of emails, you can find the posts by visiting the Deep Dive archives on The Raft website.
Watch for big news soon about our next Dive: Theme! Launch date! Redesign! And more . . .
Thanks again for participating in “Waging Peace.” I’m fortunate to be walking this earth at the same time as you.
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