☀️ UPDATE SINCE PUBLICATION: Wednesday night POTR group is now full, but you can still join the waiting list. New Tuesday group looks like it will happen and has open seats.
Wednesday POTR
Poets on The Raft (POTR) is one of our free Rafter groups. All varieties of experience welcome.
Facilitated by: Varies (current host: Karen Hoffman)
When: Twice-monthly on Wednesday evening
Where: Zoom
Circle size: limited to fifteen so that everyone can fully participate. Seats filled on first-come, first-served basis, with a waiting list.
Membership eligibility: New poets, dabblers, old hands . . .
Format: A safe, receptive space in which you’ll be able to . . .
bring one of your original poems at any point in its development
request the kind of group feedback that will best support your creative process (for example: encouragement only, or careful critique)
Gatherings are not recorded
Interested in being on the waiting list? Have questions? Contact me at phyllis@phylliscoledai.com and I’ll put you in touch with the facilitator.
☀️ New Tuesday night group forming!
Seats still open!
Express your interest now!
A new bi-weekly Tuesday night group is forming—exact time and which Tuesdays will be determined by members. Same POTR format.