Welcome to “Waging Peace”
Remember, you’re the co-creator of this dive. Do as much or as little as you’d like, when you’d like, how you’d like, with the materials I provide. Just keep gentle faith with yourself.
Set your intention
Take a moment to name the primary intention you have for this month-long deep dive and/or this particular session. Take a quiet moment to center yourself in that intention.
Receive the music
Try to refrain from judging the music as “good” or “bad” or forming an “I like it” or “I don’t like it” opinion. For a few minutes, cultivate curiosity and openness. If resistance arises in you, be curious about that too.
Read the poem
I invite you to read this poem twice—aloud, at least once. You may also listen to my reading of the poem, perhaps with your eyes closed.
FOR PEACE John O'Donohue As the fever of day calms towards twilight May all that is strained in us come to ease. We pray for all who suffered violence today, May an unexpected serenity surprise them. For those who risk their lives each day for peace, May their hearts glimpse providence at the heart of history. That those who make riches from violence and war Might hear in their dreams the cries of the lost. That we might see through our fear of each other A new vision to heal our fatal attraction to aggression. That those who enjoy the privilege of peace Might not forget their tormented brothers and sisters. That the wolf might lie down with the lamb, That our swords be beaten into ploughshares And no hurt or harm be done Anywhere along the holy mountain (from Benedictus)
Use any of these questions however you wish—e.g., as openings for meditation or prayer, as prompts for journaling or poetry-writing, as sparks for drawing or painting, as catalysts for change-making . . . You may also ignore my questions altogether to go off in other directions!
What is “strained” within you that you’d like to “come to ease? Where in your body do you carry that strain? Where else does that strain reveal itself?
Write/create a vision of hope or peace for an individual or group who is foremost in your awareness because they:
have “suffered violence today”—OR—
“risk their lives each day for peace”—OR—
“make riches from violence and war”—OR—
“enjoy the privilege of peace”
Want to visit with other Rafters in the Deep Dive?
Leave a comment on this post using the button. (Note: if you haven’t created a Substack profile yet, you’ll be asked to do so before you can comment.)
These materials are for educational purposes only. Not for sale or reproduction.
for a closing Zoom on February 1!
6:00-7:00PM Central (7:00 ET, 5:00 MT, 4:00 PT)
Let’s close “Waging Peace” with a time of voluntary sharing. (It’s fine just to listen!) Come and reflect with other Rafters on this Deep Dive.
Registration is required for this celebration.
(Note: Minimum of five people must have registered for the Refuge by midnight, January 31, in order for this Zoom to take place. Thanks!)
A Moment of Peace is a beautiful piece!
Hands manipulate the strings
creating a peaceful vibration.
Lips curl upward in joy.
Skirts on hips sway and swirl.
Hair flows in the wake of the rhythm.
The body can’t help but to participate!
Perhaps our bodies also want to
participate in bringing about peace.
It’s not just a good “idea”.
Hands offer food and shelter
showing love and care.
Feet march in solidarity.
Eyes see.
Hearts listen.
Voices write, sing, or shout.
The body can’t help but to participate!
Love this piece of music!