Throw that confetti!
Pop that cork!
Dance your jiggiest jig!
Today’s the birthday of The Singing Stick, a novel that took years to get born. For me, the long labor has been worth it. Now it’s time to put “my baby” in your hands. Ready to party? Keep scrolling for goodies!
🎁 Goody #1: Read the first chapter of the book!
🎁 Goody #2: Get a taste of the audiobook!
Note: If you’re reading this post in your inbox, clicking the play button (▶️) on the audio bar above will probably open a page in your browser window. If necessary, scroll down until you see the audio bar, then click play again.
🎁 Goody #3: Get the entire audiobook for free!
Become a Raft patron (paid subscriber) by September 15 and you’ll automatically get The Singing Book audiobook for free, right in your inbox.
How it will work: From mid-September to late November, I’ll drip the audiobook’s chapters via email—nearly eleven hours of listening, in total. Each week, you’ll get a single email message containing links to around 80 minutes’ worth of audio to enjoy at your leisure. Just click and play.
I’ll also send you the audiobook’s companion document (PDF), a valuable supplement to the spoken text.
Now, you could buy the audiobook on your favorite audiobook platform (e.g., Audible, Spotify). But, if you become a Raft patron, you’ll get the audiobook plus . . .
an invitation to December’s patron bash with a featured guest
monthly opportunities to visit with me in pop-up “Open Studios”
exclusive content (like this audiobook!)
a free companioning session (Raftkeeper patrons only—$150/year)
maybe the greatest value of all: the joy of keeping The Raft afloat for everybody!
Why give you all this stuff? Easy! Because I’m grateful!
🎁 Goody #4: Get your own special copy of The Singing Stick!
Buy your paperback from my website store and you’ll get an inscribed clarinet reed. (Why a reed? You’ll have to read the book to find out! 😉 )
Hurry! Offer good only until I run out of reeds!
Of course, you may get The Singing Stick from your favorite bookseller instead of from my website. But if you want an inscribed reed, order from me—and soon! Remember to use your Rafter discount at checkout for 15% off!
🎁 Goody #5: Party with me!
ONLINE: “Riffing on the Singing Stick,” September 9, 6:00-7:00PM-ish Central, free and open to all. Get more details here. Or register here.
IN PERSON: “Book & Jazz Bash,” September 24, 6:00-9:00PM Central, Good Roots Farm & Gardens, Brookings, SD, free and open to all. Contact me at for more information.
🎁 One last goody that YOU can give . . .
If you value The Singing Stick, please share the book or talk about it with somebody. Or even with lots of somebodies, like . . .
your book club
a family member or friend
your Facebook feed
your Instagram followers
your local library . . .