The Daily Boost (published weekdays) is one of the newsletters of The Raft, the online community of author Phyllis Cole-Dai. We Rafters ride the river of life buoyed by music, poetry, and other arts, along with open spiritual practice. Most everything here is free, but patrons (paid subscribers) get some special perks because Phyllis is extra grateful for their support. Sign up here:
FOR THE WOMEN Amena Brown [Note: This is a spoken-word poem. The text below is an approximation of the performance.] We carry water on our heads, babies on our backs, joy in our hips We till the fertile ground in our garden, in our soul, in our children We bear fruit, we grow, we watch things grow, we yield fruit in season We stand in front of fire, on the front lines, in front of desk, behind camera, behind pulpit, in the face of war We face evil, we face violence, we face obstacles We stare Struggle in the eyes and dare Struggle to stare back We take flour, add water, make tortillas, make porridge, make naan, make dumplings, make biscuits Make do with hands that knead the dough, and build the bricks, and raise the babies, and teach the children, and fight poverty We carry community in our wombs, on our backs, in our arms, in our chests We take our words and gather them like so many sticks until they ignite We build fire and around that fire we sing We sing because a song always gives birth We sing because a song always knows where the soul is wounded We sing because a song always reminds us that we are at home in this body, in this skin And around that fire we dance We dance to the tune of liberation We dance for the women who have gone before us for the women who are no longer here for the women who cannot speak We dance and fight for justice until every woman is free Hear the drums in the rhythm we walk As we speak our mother tongue As we say prayers in our mothers’ tongues We find our language In banana leaves and avocado, in mango and yams, in rice and seaweed We tell our stories while braiding the hair of our daughters while standing in front of a board room while building a business while frying chicken We tell our stories while leading the way in protest while going to school while performing surgery Because nobody gets to tell our stories for us Because our stories belong to us Because we belong to each other We raise our hands, we raise our voices, we raise the next generation We create, we pioneer, we invent We look ahead, we know the way We see no path so we use our feet to build one for the ones who will come after us We leave a legacy in the sound of our laughter Every day we build a world. Thank God for women.
(My thanks to Amena Brown, via World Relief.)
The Gentle Nudge
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
Blessings to Amena Brown and to you Phyllis for another powerful reminder...Thank God for Women!❤️
How wonderful! Will be immediately shared! Thank you!