HARD MUSIC Tom Chandler The hammers of the builders of the house across the street sometimes fall by accident inside the same beat, as if the rhythm of our separate work can melt without our knowing into something far sleeker than our laboring lives and I wonder if the carpenters are happy in themselves when they realize how they improvise, how the nails bite the wood to such natural jazz, the house rising tall in grace because of hard music, lifting up its chimneyed head and shoulders to the sky. (from Toy Firing Squad)
(My thanks to Tom Chandler, via The Writer’s Almanac.)
The Gentle Nudge
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THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
Thank you, Phyllis. Your all-ways encouraging posts are so good to experience. I just re-listened to a song you shared once, “Only Desire What You Have”. Kate Rusby’s voice so sweet… one of my favorites. In gratitude🌷🌸🌷
I’m a sucker for the simple couplet form. Add a one sentence lyric, with grace notes at the end from a simple sound image, and I’m happy.