Holly Near
I am open and I am willing
To be hopeless would seem so strange
It dishonors those who go before us
So lift me up to the light of change
There is hurting in my family
There is sorrow in my town
There is panic in the nation
There is wailing the whole world round
May the children see more clearly
May the elders be more wise
May the winds of change caress us
Even though it burns our eyes
Give me a mighty oak to hold my confusion
Give me a desert to hold my fears
Give me a sunset to hold my wonder
Give me an ocean to hold my tears
(My thanks to Holly Near, via Rafter .)
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters this week for . . .
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
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⭐️ Find the Light by Nancy Machlis Rechtman
“If you feel lost
When the darkness of the world
Tries to steal away your light
And you want to give up
Because you can’t find your way,
Look for the magic
In the tapestry of the stars,
Dazzling as they create a sparkling tableau
In the inky sky,
Or the rainbows that suddenly appear
After the wildness of a summer storm.
Listen for the music in the laughter
Of children playing with abandon
Or seek the poetry
In a sunrise painted in vivid strokes across the horizon
Just as the sun and moon connect for an intake of breath
When day overtakes the night.
And if you are lucky enough
To have found someone who cherishes you,
You’ve already triumphed
And all you need to do to find the light
Is mirror the love in their eyes.” ⭐️
May there be more good than bad
More happy than sad
🕊 “Every moment is an opportunity for awakening. The magic moment happens inside” ~ Moshe Gersht