THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY I LOVE POTATOES Mekeel McBride For Sarah Apt 1. Of everything you get for dinner they’re the most fun to play with: gravy lakes soaking deep into the soft white Alps of the mashed ones; French fries good for fences to keep your fork safe from Lima beans; the baked ones perfect for pounding down into pancakes from the moon. 2. I guess I forgot to mention how much I used to love globbing mashed potato into a ball then hurling it at my brother so it seemed he was the one who had made the mess. Now grownups do the same thing, too, but usually not with potatoes. 3. If a potato were able to turn into a person, I’m almost certain it would be someone you’d like for a friend. It could teach you to understand the language of animals who live underground: worms and woodchucks, foxes and bears. On rainy Saturday afternoons, it would take you to funny movies. When you were feeling sad, it would remind you of the good things you’d forgotten about yourself. 4. There might be dozens, even more, in the garden, without you ever knowing, fat moons blooming a secret night sky right under your feet. 5. If I could have my wish, I’d want my poem to be just like a potato. Not afraid of the dark. Simple and surprising at the same time. You’d have to dig a little to get it but then you’d be glad you made the effort. And maybe after you were finished, something in you that had been hungry for a long time wouldn’t feel so empty anymore. (from Dog Star Delicatessen)
(My thanks to Mekeel McBride, via AprilLinderWrites.)
The Gentle Nudge
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I love this poem! Potatoes have multiple functions. They serve as hand/body warmers. When baked and wrapped in foil put them in your coat pockets when you’re outside doing winter things. Then have them to fill your belly.
Remember Mr. Potato Head. Such fun to create with a potato!
“If I could have my wish, I’d want my poem
to be just like a potato. Not afraid of the dark.” ❤️