Peter Mayer (lyrics)
Melody by Prichard
Though below me, I feel no motion
Standing on these mountains and plains
Far away from the rolling ocean
Still my dry land heart can say
I've been sailing all my life now
Never harbor or port have I known
The wide universe is the ocean I travel
And the earth is my blue boat home
Sun, my sail, and moon my rudder
As I ply the starry sea
Leaning over the edge in wonder
Casting questions into the deep
Drifting here with my ship's companions
All we kindred pilgrim souls
Making our way by the lights of the heavens
In our beautiful blue boat home
I give thanks to the waves upholding me
Hail the great winds urging me on
Greet the infinite sea before me
Sing the sky my sailor's song
I was born upon the fathoms
Never harbor or port have I known
The wide universe is the ocean I travel
And the earth is my blue boat home
(My thanks to the composer and to Peter Mayer.)
The Gentle Nudge
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We have this in our UU Hymnal and sing it often. It is one of my alltime favorites!
I was introduced to Peter Mayer when I lived in Colorado Springs. Saw him perform several times. This was a favorite, play on repeat, song!