THE LIGHT IN THE SKY We Banjo 3 'Cause you left your home And everything you own Just to follow the stars in the sky You left those green, green hills For them city thrills Awash with your fear and your pride Chorus: 'Cause there is a light in the sky Open up your weary eyes Follow the voices, hear the sounds Find your truth, you're homeward bound Your spirit painted thin Dreams they caved in Hope almost turned its back But follow the light Open your eyes And know that you'll never be alone [Chorus] So if you're lost in the night Stuck between the demon and the night As it traces a line across your heart Let light be your friend and take you back from the end Wait and the clouds are sure to part [Chorus]
(My thanks to We Banjo 3. And to the light in the sky.)
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters this week for . . .
WEDNESDAY: Creatives’ Coffee (Zoom, 4:00-5:30PM Central, at this link)
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
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Love We Banjo 3 and this song! We saw them live just before the pandemic shutdown, and their live broadcasts during the shutdown helped me through