DO NOT BE DAUNTED BY THE ENORMITY OF THE WORLD’S GRIEF Barbara Pelman You are not obligated to complete the work, Neither are you free to abandon it —The Talmud Every tiny bit counts. Choose peace in your own life. Forgive your own flailing self, your wrinkled face, your wrecked knees. Make friends with failure. Praise the getting up, forgive the falling down. Buy the electric bike, the solar roof, the heat pump. Learn to say no quietly and yes exuberantly. Praise the bent world, offer it whatever solace you can. (from Brief and Endless Sea, Caitlin Press, October, 2023
(My thanks to Barbara Pelma via Recovering Words.)
The Gentle Nudge
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This lovely offering is so perfect for today, for every day actually. These days, I struggle to find balance between the range of things I am experiencing in the outer world and in my inner being. This light and simple offering is a welcome balm and lifts my spirits. I give thanks for my wrinkly knees that brought me to my chair near the window in morning to read this poem...and so it goes.
I need to frame this above my desk! Such wise words, and they bring me a sense of peace just reading them. accurate description of how I feel recently. But this made me look up! Thank you!