This video just flat-out makes me smile.
“A home should be a living sculpture, something in harmony with nature and the humans who are living inside it.”
Oh, and . . .
“made out of love.”
Your home may not look like Madeleine and Evan’s, but does it have something in common with theirs?
(My thanks to Madeleine Fitzpatrick and Evan Shively, via NOWNESS.)
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters this week for . . .
WEDNESDAY: Creatives’ Coffee (Zoom, 4:00-5:30PM Central, at this link)
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
Our August “Show & Share” is running at this link. Add your creative work to the thread!
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I appreciated the video. I'm moving into a new home in a week. A home that sort of fell into my lap at a time I needed it the most. A 1958 stone one story, 1300 square feet, 1.5 acres with a flower garden, trees, birds, deer, and a creek. Inside has windows, a 2-sided fireplace....and a music room and a library. I have it as a rental for a year...I hope to have it longer...and I intend to make it “A home...that is...a living sculpture, something in harmony with nature and who is living inside it.”