This incredible choral piece by Elizabeth Alexander carries the following epigraph: “Scientists now say the planet itself is generating a . . . kind of music, huge, swirling loops of sound, a song so strange you can’t really fathom it, so low it can’t be heard by human ears.”—Mark Morford, from “How To Sing Like a Planet,” San Francisco Chronicle HOW TO SING LIKE A PLANET Elizabeth Alexander Let everything unfold in its own time. Accept what’s beyond your control. Revel in simple harmonic motion. Turn. Rotate. Get charged up. Be weak. Be strong. Don’t fight friction. Vibrate sympathetically. Don’t be afraid to get into a groove. Let gravity have its way with you. Revolve around something luminous. Wheel, whirl, Slide, collide, Circle, cycle, Amble, gambol, Resonate, radiate, Innovate, renovate, Oscillate, fluctuate, circumnavigate, flow. Bloom periodically. Hunker down when you must. Wobble from time to time without apology. Know that annihilation’s possible any time, But expect a bright tomorrow’s coming anyway.
(My thanks to Elizabeth Alexander and the Massachusetts All-State Honors Choir.)
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The Gentle Nudge
No events next week, as I’ll be out of studio.
Made me a bit teary eyed, seeing the splendor of this planet we're inhabiting, and the beauty of the music that honors it. How fortunate we all are to have been able to be on such a life journey on this planet. It just blows me away.
BIG yes to this:
“Bloom periodically.
Hunker down when you must.
Wobble from time to time without apology.
Know that annihilation’s possible any time,
But expect a bright tomorrow’s coming anyway.”
Sharing 👍