Contemplate these ideas from Brené Brown:
Story stewardship means honoring the sacred nature of story—the ones we share and the ones we hear. . . .
The greatest threats to story stewardship are . . . narrative tap-out and narrative takeover.
Narrative tap-outs can range from subtle disinterest to complete shutdowns.
Narrative takeover is [when] . . . we hijack the story and center ourselves . . . [by] shifting the focus to us, questioning or not believing what someone is sharing because it’s different than our lived experience, or diminishing the importance of an experience because it makes us feel uncomfortable or, worse, complicit . . . . [It’s] about protecting our ego, behavior, or privilege. The less diverse our lived experiences, the more likely we are to find ourselves struggling with narrative takeover or narrative tap-out.
How diverse are your lived experiences? How does that affect your story stewardship?
(My thanks to Brené Brown.)
The Gentle Nudge
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, TODAY, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
I try to listen attentively, with an open-mind & not be judgemental. Although I admit I might be holding judgemental thoughts in my mind if I am listening to someone whose views are of the conspiracy theory, radical right wing ilk. Fortunately I don’t often find myself exposed to such. It’s an ongoing challenge for me to not get triggered, so I can remain able to feel compassion towards the person & not do harm to myself (or to them) by thinking unkind thoughts about them & what they are saying.
Hi Phyllis, thank you for your reply
And your thoughtfulness and kindness re my bit of a rant I posted today
Surely you can understand how some people are unsavoury characters and I have had to look after myself with no emotional connections and help was far from me from early years.
My mum was unreachable to us and there was no love shown in ways that we all need and recognise from infancy and upwards.
We never had a guiding hand. And I was rebellious like we all get in the teenage years.
We all suffered my siblings and I.
I am wondering why My descriptiveness of my neighbours offended you. Since you have never met them and experienced first hand bullying by them as I have and have people I let into my house in order to try to be neighbourly and find that a favourite piece of furniture I just bought damaged deliberately by this neighbour.
How would you react if it was your favourite piece of furniture or something you loved.
I thought that this website was for freedom of speech and it seems like the comments I made and make need an open mind about name calling for a way to describe personal experiences.
Thank you for your kindness and Deep peace.
It’s part of my story I just wanted to share with like minded free thinking people who do not attack people but use this web space to vent off and find friends who can support one another and share their own minds about anything they wish to and reciprocate with compassion and non judgement. I believe in unconditional love and I have for years to still have an open heart and innocence and naïvety in my approach to people.
I am growing, through self development and from the quantum mechanics of the natural world to understand the nature of the meeting of spirituality, religion and science and how they connect universally.
My life lessons come from finding balance by experiencing the extremes and find soul based solutions through prayer and friendships and find growth tools like using meditation and subconscious programming, to rewrite and rewrite the outdated programs that we can change by becoming aware of them through conscious awareness and hypnosis.
The life lessons of my soul takes me to extraordinary highs and lows.
And I’m glad I am me. I am always grateful for the tiniest things to learn from to see the love we came from and see it as the gift 🎁 and bring our loving presence and our awareness with us wherever we go on our journeys through out space and time perfectly
Thank you for your open good heart and I wish you too Deep Peace and love
Bests Ann Siddique 🕊🌞🌙✨🪐🌎🌈🌤🌊