LIGHTENING THE LOAD Francis Dorff, O. Praem. The first thing we have to do is to notice that we’ve loaded down this camel with so much baggage we’ll never get through the desert alive. Something has to go. Then we can begin to dump the thousand things we’ve brought along until even the camel has to go and we’re walking barefoot on the desert sand. There’s no telling what will happen then. But I’ve heard that someone, walking in this way, has seen a burning bush. (from Last Night I Died)
How’s your camel? Any sign of a burning bush?
(My thanks to Francis Dorff, O. Praem., via
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters this week for . . .
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
I love this poem. It reminds me of another favorite that uses the burning bush image - R.S. Thomas - The Bright Field.
I began reading The Emptiness Of Your Hands this Ash Wednesday morning as part of my morning devotions and intend to read it throughout Lent. Rarely am I so quickly caught up in a story. It will take strength and discipline not to read ahead, but to let each section be sufficient for the day. I admire your courage in this undertaking and am grateful that you wrote about it. I am looking forward to getting your next Poetry of Presence book. I offer my most recent poem below. I don't share much beyond a small poetry writing group (with Gloria Heffernan as our leader), but somehow feel it right to respond to your generous sharing of yourself. May your Lenten season be a blessing to you and all who know you.
I watched most every day for
the sun to break through
the gray Syracuse winter
to offer a ray of hope.
After many days the clouds
finally opened. Though the
sun itself was not visible
its light created a radiant
halo around the uneven
fluff of white, showering
sparks in every direction.
I inhaled, breathed in the
brilliance. It lasted only a
moment, but like the soft
glow of a lamp illumines
the whole room or one
candle flame dispels the
darkness, it was enough.
Marie Jerge
February 2023 –
Am looking for a burning bush today. Thanks to you!