Gloria Heffernan
I was always the first to raise my hand.
Always eager to prove I had the answer
Spelling Bees, Jeopardy, Scrabble.
Any chance to be right.
Any chance to brandish
the only armor I possessed.
There was a time
when answers were my gods.
Now I know better.
Now I can look at the lacy petals of a wildflower,
and not worry if I don’t know its name
and the Latin derivation.
Now I can let God be God,
No answers, no explanations,
like the time the teacher asked me to spell
onomatopoeia in the Spelling Bee
and all I could say was
I don’t know.
(My thanks to Gloria Heffernan, via The Braided Way.)
The Gentle Nudge
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Oh, wow, this poem is painfully relatable. Yep, I was that kid, still am a bit of that kid inside even at 66. But now I have compassion for that striving, exhausted child. And one day at a time I'm learning to let go, let God have the answers, be still and listen.
It’s liberating to be able to feel comfortable simply knowing you don’t know…feeling secure in yourself, not needing to prove anything to anyone with your “knowing” :)
Saw this online: “…….the wisdom one gains through age. The more wisdom you have, the more you know you don't know.”
I don’t have to know…I just have to keep learning ☀️