But I don’t think the Sugar Plum Fairy ever danced to this!
When’s the last time you tried to make music from a water or wine glass? Nothing’s stopping you!
(My thanks to Tchaikovsky and GlassDuo.)
The Gentle Nudge
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Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
WOW! And I thought the cello was hard to learn. Can you imagine being able to do this? Wow... then of course I started wondering about their hands...do they need to keep them a certain level of moisturized or dry? Is it just water in the glasses? A certain type of glass? A certain type of liquid? I assume each is filled to a specific % of volume. Now I'm terribly curious. But....now I'm forcing myself up out of the weeds and am going to enjoy a second listen-and-watch and just soak it in, not become distracted by the "how in the world...." :) Thank you for sharing all of these inspirational videos each day