Perhaps you, like so many Rafters I hear from, are painfully separated from someone you dearly love—whether physically or emotionally.
If so, this poem is for you.
If not, maybe this poem is for someone you know who feels an aching for the presence of a loved one.
Phyllis Cole-Dai
On this day,
this gift of light
within which we rise,
I bless you
across the space
between us.
May these words—
written by the heart
of the hands,
read with the heart
of the eyes,
passing through the heart
of the lips—
bring us together
somewhere high
in the trembling air.
May we hover there
upon these lines of blessing
in cloudless sky,
then be carried
gently down
into the home
of our separate hours.
Know this: we are never far.
For this is the near
work of blessing:
to fill absence with love,
clear to the brim,
that when we meet again
the cup of presence
may rejoice in overflowing.
The Gentle Nudge
Join other Rafters this week for . . .
WEDNESDAY: Our final Creatives’ Coffee (Zoom, 4:00-5:00PM Central, at this link)
THURSDAY: Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, 12:00-1:00PM Central, at this link)
Thank you for this image. It’s vey comforting and hopeful..