
Sometimes mistakes are happy!

Here's the link to today's Poetry Pick-Me-Up!

Yes, we’re having Poetry Pick-Me-Up as usual today! (Zoom, 1PM ET, 12PM CT, 11PM MT, 10PM PT). Here’s your Zoom link to get in the door.

Thanks to Rafter

for letting me know that I hadn’t included the PPMU link in today’s Daily Boost. Just so you know, that link never changes, so you can always find it in a previous Boost. But for your convenience, I always include it in “The Gentle Nudge” section of that newsletter.

Except when I forget. 😇

Because I forgot, I’m able to give you an extra boost this morning by sharing this clip from last week’s PPMU. Enjoy! The tender reader of the poem is Tom Shostak.

Other Rafters present: Karen Hoffman, Rona Klein, Lucy Radatz, Jenny Rolph, Allie Turnock, Bruce Williamson, and myself.

What’s Poetry Pick-Me-Up?

PPMU is a casual poetry-sharing and discussion group that happens every non-holiday Thursday, 12-1PM Central. FREE! Just hop on the Zoom at this link. 

Bring a published poem (or excerpt) that you’ve recently read to share with the group. Or, just come to listen and to participate in informal but wholehearted conversation.

Please, no original poetry, as we have other opportunities on The Raft for you to present that.

Can’t make it on Thursdays? I don’t maintain a dedicated PPMU mailing list, but you can always catch the replay via one of these Raft newsletters: Events & News, or Rafter Digest. Manage your subscription preferences here.

Want to watch previous Pick-Me-Ups? Find them in the Catch Up! archive of event replays.

Maybe we’ll see you at PPMU today?

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