Here’s everything that happened on The Raft this week! Just so you know, content that is asterisked (*) is fully accessible only to paying subscribers. Care to support The Raft by upgrading your membership?
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This Week’s Staying Power
Staying Power #127: “Wherever You Are”
This Week’s Daily Boosts
#406: Not givens, but gifts
#407: Let’s bring a higher love
#408: To live simply, simply to live
#409: Carrying one another is a dance
#410: You have a choice, you have a voice
This Week’s Events & News
Events & News (2/18/23)
This Week’s Event Replays
Creatives’ Coffee
Poetry Pick-Me-Up
This Week’s Special Announcements
The Rafter fiction-writers group is a go! Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in our recent poll. Watch for further announcements!
Come to our Cento Celebration at 6:00PM Central on February 27! Bring your own cento to share (must be based on Staying Power 2). Or listen to other Rafters read their centos! Register for this free Zoom event using the button!
In the process of becoming
a real old dude,
It's become my favorite sport,
I loved this video and the song, the lyrics . Thank you, Da Preacha