Here’s everything that happened on The Raft this week! Some content is fully accessible only to Raft patrons (paying subscribers). Care to support The Raft by upgrading your membership? At $5/month, it costs less than a small bouquet of flowers!
This Week’s Staying Power
This Week’s Daily Boosts
#641: The choice is always ours to make (a Rafter Spotlight)
#642: This is what was bequeathed us
#643: Do you listen with your face?
#644: Opportunity, wake up
#645: We are water people
This Week’s Events & News
This Week’s Event Replays
This Week’s Special Announcements
WHAT: An evening of reading and writing about place, featuring poet Gloria Heffernan
WHEN: February 12, 6-7:30PM CT (7-8:30PM ET, 5-7:30PM MT, 4-5:30PM PT)
MATERIALS NEEDED: A photo of a place that holds special significance for you, along with your favorite writing tool(s)
REGISTRATION: Free but required. Click this link.
CAN’T MAKE IT? Replay will be available!
Confused by all the Raft offerings? Let me help!
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Be aware that as a publisher on Substack, I don’t have access to your subscriber profile and therefore can’t change your subscriber preferences on your behalf.
See you next week!
🧡 Thanks for reading! As part of The Raft, this newsletter is kept afloat by beautiful readers like you. If you like my work, please support it by sharing it with a friend, becoming a Raft patron, buying my books, or inviting me to speak. And remember to add your 2¢ by leaving comments!