Enjoy this replay of the 08/01/24 Poetry Pick-Me-Up.
Here are materials referenced in the Zoom chat (click on the links to access the items):
“On Hearing Hisham Breedove at the Friendship Heights Subway Stop on the Maryland, D.C. Border” by Carol Was (no link available; see image below—click on it to enlarge)
About “The Spirit of Detroit” sculpture referenced in the poem by Carol Was:
“Invitation” by Mary Oliver
Info about birds and rain: “Yes, birds can sing in the rain, and some species even sing during storms. In fact, some say that birds singing in the rain can indicate that fair weather is coming. Birds can sense changes in the weather and find shelter when needed, but whether they sing depends on the species. For example, chaffinches have been observed singing during moderate rain and thunderstorms, while blackbirds have been heard singing in alternation with thunderclaps.” And: “Birds may also sing after it rains because the rain can bring insects and worms to the surface, which they can eat. Birds may also chirp to let other birds know that food is available.”
What’s Poetry Pick-Me-Up?
PPMU is a casual poetry-sharing and discussion group that happens every non-holiday Thursday, 12-1PM Central. FREE! Join us for our next gathering on August 8th. Just hop on the Zoom at this link.
Bring a published poem (or excerpt) that you’ve recently read to share with the group. Or, just come to listen and to participate in informal but wholehearted conversation.
Please, no original poetry, as we have other opportunities on The Raft for you to present that.
Can’t make it on Thursdays? Catch the replay in one of these Raft newsletters: Events & News, or Rafter Digest. Manage your subscription preferences here.
Want to watch previous Pick-Me-Ups? Find them in the Catch Up! archive of event replays.
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