Welcome to “Honeymoon with Big Joy”
Remember, you’re the co-creator of this dive. Do as much or as little as you’d like, when you’d like, how you’d like, with the materials I provide. Just keep gentle faith with yourself.
Set your intention
Take a moment to name the primary intention you have for this month-long deep dive and/or this particular session. Take a quiet moment to center yourself in that intention.
En-JOY the music
Read the poem
I invite you to read this poem twice—aloud, at least once. You may also listen to my reading, perhaps with your eyes closed.
PRAYER FOR JOY Stuart Kestenbaum What was it we wanted to say anyhow, like today when there were all the letters in my alphabet soup and suddenly the ‘j’ rises to the surface. The ‘j’, a letter that might be great for Scrabble, but not really used for much else, unless we need to jump for joy, and then all of a sudden it’s there and ready to help us soar and to open up our hearts at the same time, this simple line with a curved bottom, an upside down cane that helps us walk in a new way into this forest of language, where all the letters are beginning to speak, finding each other in just the right combination to be understood. (from Only Now)
Use any of these questions however you wish—e.g., as openings for meditation or prayer, as prompts for journaling or poetry-writing, as sparks for drawing or painting, as catalysts for change-making . . . You may also ignore my questions altogether to go off in other directions!
The poem opens with these words: "What was it we wanted to say anyhow . . .” How might “joy” open us to communicating when we’re not sure how?
“All the letters are beginning to speak”: Click on this link to a random letter generator. Now click “Spin” at the center of the wheel and wait for your letter to pop up. List things that you’re grateful for which start with that letter. Note: If you have trouble with the link, copy and paste this URL into your browser’s search bar: https://pickerwheel.com/tools/random-letter-generator/
Which letter of the alphabet do you most feel like today? (You might wish to locate yourself in this illustrated alphabet by Joanna Varró—click the image to enlarge.) You’re good for more “besides Scrabble”!
Want to visit with other Rafters in the Deep Dive?
Here are two options: either leave a comment on this post using the button, or join the chat thread dedicated to this Deep Dive. (Note: if you haven’t created a Substack profile yet, you’ll be asked to do so before you can comment or chat.)
These materials are for educational purposes only. Not for sale or reproduction.
Join us on October 31 for “Rafter Refuge”!
6:30-8:00PM Central (7:30 ET, 5:30 MT, 4:30 PT)
Let’s close this Deep Dive with a time of voluntary sharing. (It’s fine just to listen!) Come and reflect with other Rafters on “Honeymoon with Big Joy.” Registration is required for this celebration.
I landed on "S." Today I'm most grateful for Sunshine and how it ignites the Spirit of Joy in me when I take my daily walks!