Welcome to “Honeymoon with Big Joy”
Remember, you’re the co-creator of this dive. Do as much or as little as you’d like, when you’d like, how you’d like, with the materials I provide. Just keep gentle faith with yourself.
Set your intention
Take a moment to name the primary intention you have for this month-long deep dive and/or this particular session. Take a quiet moment to center yourself in that intention.
En-JOY the music
Read the poem
I invite you to read this poem twice—aloud, at least once. You may also listen to my reading, perhaps with your eyes closed.
ONE'S SHIP COMES IN Joe Paddock I swear my way now will be to continue without plan or hope, to accept the drift of things, to shift from endless effort to joy in, say, that robin, plunging into the mossy shallows of my bird bath and splashing madly till the air shines with spray. Joy it will be, say, in Nancy, pretty in pink and rumpled T-shirt, rubbing sleep from her eyes, or joy even in just this breathing, free of fright and clutch, knowing how one’s ship comes in with each such breath. (from Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems)
Use any of these questions however you wish—e.g., as openings for meditation or prayer, as prompts for journaling or poetry-writing, as sparks for drawing or painting, as catalysts for change-making . . . You may also ignore my questions altogether to go off in other directions!
The speaker of this poem makes a vow “to shift . . . to joy.” Consider making a vow or promise to yourself and imagine how you might honor that intention.
Reflect/write in response to this prompt: “Joy I will have in _______, or even in _______.”
Of what “fright and clutch” do you most wish to be “free”?
Want to visit with other Rafters in the Deep Dive?
Here are two options: either leave a comment on this post using the button, or join the chat thread dedicated to this Deep Dive. (Note: if you haven’t created a Substack profile yet, you’ll be asked to do so before you can comment or chat.)
These materials are for educational purposes only. Not for sale or reproduction.
Join us on October 31 for “Rafter Refuge”!
6:30-8:00PM Central (7:30 ET, 5:30 MT, 4:30 PT)
Let’s close this Deep Dive with a time of voluntary sharing. (It’s fine just to listen!) Come and reflect with other Rafters on “Honeymoon with Big Joy.” Registration is required for this celebration.
I have not have the time or space to explore the theme of JOY although I have been a "Joy Seeker" for a long time. I know it and have felt it and it has saved me again and again midst the sometimes harsh realities of my world. This post today broke me open. The song ... Oh My. 🎶 I followed up on Marja's website where she describes her personal journey with JOY and this SONG. I found these words, "I inwardly gave up on this project a few times. I lost sight of the purpose. I didn’t believe it. I busied myself chasing other muses. But this song asked more of me. She asked me to persevere. To thaw my heart and embody the message despite the harsh realities of the times we live in. To hold the paradox of life with an open heart. To feel deeper than what I thought Unstoppable Joy was. And after all these years, I have come to understand what this mission and vision was about for me as an artist. It’s not about having some perfect video, or some landmark piece of art, or a hit song. It is about generating blessings, coming together with community and celebrating life while we are alive to appreciate it. " Thank-you for this "JOY" gift today - Phyllis 🙏