Today’s Rafter Wisdom
Miss an event on The Raft this week? Catch the replay!
What’s coming on The Raft next week?
Creatives’ Coffee (Zoom, Wednesday, 4:00-5:30PM Central). A casual conversation group for Rafters who like to “make stuff,” whether for fun or as a profession. Need companionship and support? Creative inspiration? Cross-fertilization of ideas? You’ll find oodles of all this and more at the Coffee.
Hop on the Zoom at this link. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in the “Events and News” newsletter.
NO Poetry Pick-Me-Up on Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday
What’s up in my studio?
“Will you be making an audiobook of Staying Power 2: Writings from a Year of Emergence?” Thanks for that question. The answer? Not exactly, but sort of. I’m planning a serial reading of the book here on The Raft, starting after Thanksgiving. The episodes will be available for all paid subscribers. Stay tuned.
Remember, as a Rafter you always get 15% off everything in my store. Just enter the code PCDFRIEND at checkout.
“Will you be having a launch party for Staying Power 2?” Another great question. I have a special book bash planned for early February. Not exactly a launch party, but it’ll be fun. Again, stay tuned.
By Thanksgiving, co-editor Ruby Wilson and I will have submitted the manuscript for Poetry of Presence II: More Mindfulness Poems to our publisher, Grayson Books. The book is forthcoming in May, 2023.
Finally, my heartfelt thanks to these folks for their recent gifts in support of The Raft and my other work: Amy Adams, Susan Long, Don Mayhew, Deb Parvin, Julie Roehm, Diane Stonecipher, Jari Thymian, and finally, two unnamed Rafters I’ll gratefully acknowledge by fragments of their email addresses—grzesina and uymbroeck.
Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self. Deep peace.